Vegetarianism and veganism among young adults in selected European countries 2023

Share of young adults who are vegetarian or vegan in selected European countries in 2023

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Statistic: Share of young adults who are vegetarian or vegan in selected European countries in 2023
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Number of respondents

Over 12,000 per country**

Age group

18-29 years

Special properties

Resident online population, data aggregates four survey waves and shows its average

Supplementary notes

The original survey question was: "Do you follow one or more of the following nutrition rules?" This statistic shows the share of all who answered: "Vegan (not eating any animal products)" or "Vegetarian (not eating meat and fish)".
*Depending on the country, the survey was carried out during different time spans. In all countries, fieldwork started in October 2022 and ended in September 2023. For more information, please visit the Global Consumer Survey home page and take a look at our methodology.
Figures have been rounded.

**The number of survey respondents shows survey participants of all age groups.

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